Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Reconnecting with my blog

It's a couple of years since I worked in here and it's well past time to get going again. My motives are to find away around some kind of personal block that interferes with my capacity to get my thinking and the thinking of others whose approach I like (or whose approach stimulates some creative thinking for me) out into the world for comment and consideration.

I am sure other people get stuck with the same issue and, whilst there is a host of information out there on the web about 'how to blog' there is a gap when it comes to finding personal allies.

Anyway, I am dealing with one technical issue - learning to touch type. This skill has eluded me for the past several years even though I have attemtped to learn it several times. Now I am dedicating an hour a day, 5 days a week to practicing with a) Typing Club (the free version) which I like a lot and also with b) Duolingo as I also learn Spanish (another longe term goal.

That's a trip, deciding not to focus on posting content until my skills are up to it ...

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