Thursday, September 11, 2008

Financial permaculture - Fairfax in view

Colleagues working up a Transition Town initiative for Fairfax, California are looking to the Hohenwald financial permaculture design course as a re-purposing opportunity. This means imagining a cohort of Gaia University associates arriving on the scene for 10 days or more ready to deliver a bunch of trainings (classic permaculture design, designing productive meetings and events, financial permaculture design and more ...) along with a capacity to facilitate local people in developing an auto-ethnograhpy of their town, run appreciative inquiry, do an open space conference, prepare a spiral dynamics profile and so on ..

The Fairfax team includes Alpha Lo and Patrick Troup ... Alpha has recently published an encyclopedia of open source collaboration methods that can be purchased from here.

Sounds like a fabulous and creative opportunity to me and I look forward to a design developing.

1 comment:

A.J. Tarnas said...

I have by no means been everywhere in the world, but no little town for me compares to Fairfax. It's a jewel. I want to point out the architecture -- low to the ground, jumbled fences everywhere, thick borders... and the intertwined natural life -- fruit growing wild along streets (kiwi, plum, olive, grape), a spotty canopy and dappled light, water flowing under bridges. You can walk across the whole low-lying segment of town seamlessly, without wandering through parking lots or across wide roads or institutional lawns. I hope your work here can preserve and extend this rich pattern language, and increase the abundance of this very special place.